real estate project

Riverside Downtown

Customer Reviews

Riverside Downtown Hotel will be a boutique hotel with character, perfect for welcoming guests with personality.

Developer company name


Real estate market sectors


Total number of units in the project


What you purchase

Co-buy property

Unit price range

€350,000 - €350,000

Current project state

All building permissions granted


Construction Start Date

March 2024

Construction Completion Date

March 2025

Post Construction:

Property manager

AHM, in charge of hotelier partnership and franchising

All building permissions granted


Management Fee


Target annual returns


Fixed return


Buyback option


Which category of Golden Visa

Rehabilitation 350,000€ option

This hotel is located on the emblematic Avenida 24 de Julho, one of the most well- known avenues in Portugal, Riverside

Downtown Hotel is surrounded by a variety of services, transportation and restaurants, including the famous Time Out Market Lisboa.

This project was created for remarkable design moments, bold use of color, and outstanding art installations. With estimated 70 beautifully colorful rooms, the facilities of this 4-star hotel also includes a bar, restaurant and interior garden.

The unique combination of a prime location and creative boutique design, makes this hotel's focus on creating spaces that bring people together and
experiences that connect them to the surrounding community.