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Duarte Costa

Sustainable Innovation Fund

ESG fund invests and supports Portuguese Innovative companies

Investment Sectors

Sustainability, Health & Life Sciences

Strategy Overview

Using ESG as a tool to maximize impact, mitigate risk and maximize return.

Minimum Ticket Size


First Close Passed


Set Up Fee

2% included

Management Fee


Performance Fee


20% carried interest after a 4% hurdle rate

Target Annual Returns


There are no annual payouts.

Target Returns Upon Exit


The target IRR is 11% (4% hurdle rate and additional 7% per annum)

Subscription Deadline

January 2023

Target Fundraise


Month Established

December 2020

Fund Duration

7 years

US-investors (PFIC)


Sustainable Innovation is an ESG Fund that generates value financing companies in their expansion stage and supporting them implementing best ESG practices.

The fund has been successfully investing in Health & Life Sciences, targeting UN SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being. The team has the right skills to deliver: More than 30 years of experience investing in sustainable assets + more than 40 years of experience investing in the Health sector. Both on a global basis in institutions like Deutsche Bank, IFC/World Bank, Johnson & Johnson.